Pip Value Calculator Tool: In Forex trading, a pip (short for “percentage in point”) is the smallest price movement an exchange rate can make based on market convention. For most currency pairs, a pip is 0.0001, while for pairs involving the Japanese Yen, a pip is 0.01. Calculating the pip value is essential for risk management and understanding how much money you can gain or lose per pip movement.

That’s why we have this powerful Pip Value Calculator to help you find the exact value of each pip in the currency you’re trading. Whether you’re trading major pairs or exotic currencies, knowing the pip value allows you to calculate potential profits and losses with precision.

Our user-friendly tool lets you input your trade details and instantly see the pip value, giving you the clarity needed to make informed trading decisions. Don’t trade in the dark—use our Pip Value Calculator and gain the confidence to optimize your trading strategy today!

How to Calculate Pip Value

Here’s how the Pip Value Calculator Tool works when calculating the Pip Value:  

Pip Value Calculation Formula:

The general formula for calculating pip value is:



  • One Pip:
    • For most currency pairs = 0.0001
    • For JPY pairs = 0.01
  • Exchange Rate: The current exchange rate of the currency pair.

  • Lot Size:
    • Standard Lot = 100,000 units
    • Mini Lot = 10,000 units
    • Micro Lot = 1,000 units

Example Calculation:

Example 1: EUR/USD

You are trading EUR/USD with a Standard Lot (100,000 units) at an exchange rate of 1.1050.


Example 2: USD/JPY

You are trading USD/JPY with a Mini Lot (10,000 units) at an exchange rate of 109.80.

Quick Conversion Tips:

  • If the quote currency (the second currency in the pair) is the same as your account currency, the pip value is fixed:
    • EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD: $10 per pip for a Standard Lot
    • USD/JPY: Approximately $9.10 per pip for a Standard Lot
  • If the quote currency is different from your account currency, you’ll need to convert using the current exchange rate.